Version 0.10.1 is a new release of xpm; it adds an extensive set of variables and filters to the Liquid substitution engine and fixes a bug.

xpm is a Node.js CLI application to manage xPacks dependencies.


xpm is a Node.js module that can be installed with npm.

For the prerequisites, since it is recommended to use a version manager or to customize the npm install location, please read the Install page for more details.

To install the latest stable version available, use:

npm uninstall --global xpm
npm install --global xpm@latest

To install this specific version, use:

xpm install --global xpm@0.10.1


The 0.10.1 release is generally compatible with previous releases.

The main change is the addition of an extensive set of variables and filters to the Liquid substitution engine.

Bug fixes

  • [#104] Attempts to install globally failed if the current folder contained a package.json created by npm; the cause was identified to be a misplaced validation check; fixed.


  • [#108] support multi-line properties was added
  • [#107] the project description was updated to project manager
  • [#106] a check of minimumXpmRequired was added when creating projects from templates
  • [#105] some error messages were changed, in an attempt to make them more explicit
  • [#103] when creating projects from templates, if the bundleDependencies is present, no install is performed
  • [#102] projects created via xpm init now include minimumXpmRequired

Other changes

  • [#101] the CliExitCodes & CliError were passed in the context, to be used by templates
  • [#99] the Liquid code is now in a separate package, @xpack/xpm-liquid; it adds an extensive set of variables and filters; for details see project README
  • [#100] the Liquid tag endl was removed

Known problems

  • the warnings triggered by third party dependencies during install; fixed in v0.10.2
  • [#57] when multiple versions of the same package are referenced via different dependencies paths, the program fails; version mitigation will be implemented in a future release.


The program interprets --help and displays a top help page:

% xpm --help

The xPack project manager command line tool
Usage: xpm <command> [<subcommand>...] [<options> ...] [<args>...]

where <command> is one of:
  init, install, link, list, run, uninstall

Common options:
  --loglevel <level>     Set log level (silent|warn|info|verbose|debug|trace)
  -s|--silent            Disable all messages (--loglevel silent)
  -q|--quiet             Mostly quiet, warnings and errors (--loglevel warn)
  --informative          Informative (--loglevel info)
  -v|--verbose           Verbose (--loglevel verbose)
  -d|--debug             Debug messages (--loglevel debug)
  -dd|--trace            Trace messages (--loglevel trace, -d -d)
  --no-update-notifier   Skip check for a more recent version
  -C <folder>            Set current folder

xpm -h|--help            Quick help
xpm <command> -h|--help  Quick help on command
xpm --version            Show version
xpm -i|--interactive     Enter interactive mode

npm xpm@0.10.1 '/Users/ilg/.nvm/versions/node/v14.16.0/lib/node_modules/xpm'
Home page: <>
Bug reports: <>

Similar pages are available for each command.

For more details, the project documentation is available online from the web site.

Supported platforms

npm is a portable application that can run on Windows, macOS and GNU/Linux (Intel and Arm).

CI tests

Continuous integration tests are done via GitHub Actions.

Download analytics

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Credit to Shields IO for the badges.