Version 0.4.16 is a maintenance release of ilg-vscode.xpack; it fixes a bug affecting performing the actions after editing package.json.


The VS Code xPack C/C++ Managed Build Extension is available as ilg-vscode.xpack from the Visual Studio Code Marketplace.

It can also be installed from a terminal:

code --install-extension ilg-vscode.xpack

This specific version can be installed with the following command, although generally it is recommended to use the latest version:

code --install-extension ilg-vscode.xpack@0.4.16


The 0.4.16 release is generally compatible with previous releases.

Bug fixes

  • [#22] - due to a bug in the logic to redraw the xPack Actions tree, after editing the package.json, all attempts to perform any actions via the play icon failed with an error (Error running command xpack.runAction: Running the contributed command: ‘xpack.runAction’ failed. This is likely caused by the extension that contributes xpack.runAction.). Possible workarounds were to close/reopen the project, or to restart VS Code. The problem was caused by a member of the TreeDataProvider class which, in a previous release, was erroneously renamed. The name was reverted to onDidChangeTreeData, and this fixed the bug. Many thanks to Erich Styger for helping identify this bug.


  • none

Other changes

  • none

Known problems

  • none

Supported platforms

The ilg-vscode.xpack extension is fully portable and works on any platform supported by VS Code; internally it relies on xpm, which is also a portable application running on all platforms supported by npm/node.

However, for projects using binary xPacks, they are available mainly on the modern platforms, like Windows/macOS/Linux.

Final notes