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How to contribute to the xPack Logger

license GitHub issues GitHub pulls TS-Standard - TypeScript Standard Style Guide

This page is designed for developers who plan to contribute new features or fix bugs in the xPack Logger project and provides documentation on how to build and test the package.


@xpack/logger is a portable Node.js module; development can be performed on macOS, GNU/Linux and even Windows (although some npm scripts must be executed in a Git Bash terminal).

The prerequisites are:

  • git
  • node >= 18.0.0
  • npm

To ensure compatibility with older node, preferably revert to an older one:

nvm use --lts 18

Get project sources

The project is hosted on GitHub:

The project uses multiple branches:

  • master, with the latest stable version (default)
  • development, with the current development version
  • website, with the current content of the website; pushes to this branch automatically trigger publishes the main website

To clone the stable branch (master), run the following commands in a terminal (on Windows use the Git Bash console):

mkdir ~/Work/npm-packages && cd ~/Work/npm-packages
git clone logger-ts.git

For development purposes, clone the development branch:

mkdir ~/Work/npm-packages && cd ~/Work/npm-packages
git clone \
--branch development \ logger-ts.git

Or, if the repo was already cloned:

git -C ~/Work/npm-packages/logger-ts.git pull

To contribute Pull Requests, fork the project and be sure the Copy the master branch only is disabled.

Use the xpack-development branch and be sure you contribute the Pull Requests back to the xpack-development branch.

Satisfy dependencies

npm install

To facilitate the use of this module in other packages, add a link from the central npm storage to this local development folder:

npm link

And in the projects referring it:

npm link @xpack/logger

Start the compile background task

The TypeScript compiler can automatically recompile modified files. For this, start it in watch mode.

npm run compile-watch

Language standard compliance

The current version is compiled with TypeScript 4.9.5:

The compiler is configured to produce es2020 & commonjs files, which means ECMAScript6 with legacy CommonJS modules, that can be imported by any other project either via require() or import.

For more details on how to configure tsconfig.json, please see:

Standard style

As style, the project uses ts-standard, the TypeScript variant of Standard Style, automatically checked at each commit via CI.

For spacial cases, it is possible to configure/disable some rules.

// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-xxx-yyy

The known rules are documented in the typescript-eslint project.

Generally, to fit two editor windows side by side in a screen, all files should limit the line length to 80.

/* eslint max-len: [ "error", 80, { "ignoreUrls": true } ] */

Known and accepted exceptions:

  • none

To manually fix compliance with the style guide (where possible):

% npm run fix

> @xpack/logger@6.0.0 fix
> ts-standard --fix src && standard --fix test

Documentation metadata

The documentation metadata uses the TypeDoc tags, without explicit types, since they are provided by TypeScript.


Microsoft is currently developing a new project (TSDoc) which tries to standardise TypeScript documentation metadata.

This standard is generally compatible with TypeDoc; at the time of this writing, among the visible differences is the lack of the @category or @group tags.


The tests use the node-tap framework (A Test-Anything-Protocol library for Node.js, written by Isaac Schlueter).

Tests can be written in TypeScript, assuming ts-node is also installed.

As for any npm package, the standard way to run the project tests is via npm run test:

npm install
npm run test

A typical test result looks like:

% npm run test-100-c8

> @xpack/logger@6.0.0 pretest-100-c8 ...
> npm run lint

> @xpack/logger@6.0.0 lint ...
> ts-standard src && standard esm

> @xpack/logger@6.0.0 test-100-c8 ...
> npm run test-tap-coverage-100-c8 -s


To run a specific test with more verbose output, use npm run tap:

% npm run tap tests/tap/010-xxx.ts


Coverage tests

Coverage tests are a good indication on how much of the source files is exercised by the tests. Ideally all source files should be covered 100%, for all 4 criteria (statements, branches, functions, lines).

Thus, passing coverage tests was enforced for all tests, as seen before.

Coverage exceptions

Exclusions are marked with /* istanbul ignore next */ for istanbul and /* c8 ignore start */ /* c8 ignore stop */ for c8.

  • none

Continuous Integration (CI)

The module is tested with 100% coverage and CI tested on every push via GitHub Actions, on Ubuntu, Windows and macOS, using node 18, 20 and 22.

Tricks & tips

To trace TypeScript module resolution:

    "compile": "tsc --traceResolution  -p ./",