A binary distribution of the GNU Compiler Collection.

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User pages:

Developer & maintainer pages:


The xPack GNU Compiler Collection is an cross-platform standalone binary distribution of the GNU Compiler Collection.


The main advantages of using the xPack GNU Compiler Collection are:

  • a convenient, uniform and portable install/uninstall/upgrade procedure, the same procedure is used for all major platforms (Intel Windows 64-bit, Intel GNU/Linux 64-bit, Arm GNU/Linux 64/32-bit, Intel macOS 64-bit, Apple Silicon macOS 64-bit)
  • a convenient integration with Continuous Integration environments, like GitHub Actions
  • a better integration with development environments like Eclipse Embedded CDT.

All binaries are self-contained, they include all required libraries, and can be installed in any location.


The xPack GNU Compiler Collection is fully compatible with the original GNU releases.


The details of installing the xPack GNU Compiler Collection on various platforms are presented in the separate install page.


To save space and bandwidth, the original documentation is available online.

Predefined macros

The list of build-in macros is available in a separate page.


For the various support options, please read the separate support page.

Change log

The release and change log is available in the repository CHANGELOG.md file.

Build details

For those interested in building the binaries, please read the README-MAINTAINER page. However, the ultimate source for details are the build scripts themselves, all available from the gcc-xpack.git/scripts folder.


See the releases pages.

Tests reports