
xpbuild is a Node.js CLI application available as the npm package xpbuild from the npmjs.com public repository.


A recent node (>=8.x), since the ECMAScript 6 class syntax is used, and a recent npm.

For details, please read (carefully!) the Prerequisites page.

xpbuild install

On Windows, by default, global Node packages are installed in the user home folder, in %APPDATA%\npm (like C:\Users\ilg\AppData\Roaming\npm), and managing packages does not require administrative rights.

C:\>npm install --global xpbuild@latest

The result is a pair of files in the %APPDATA%\npm folder:

C:\>dir "%APPDATA%"\npm\xpbuild*
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 28CE-1C06

 Directory of C:\Users\Liviu Ionescu\AppData\Roaming\npm

18/04/2018  10:40               319 xpbuild
18/04/2018  10:40               196 xpbuild.cmd
               2 File(s)            515 bytes
               0 Dir(s)  51,207,155,712 bytes free

If you followed the instructions in the Prerequisites page, you should already have this path configured and the program should start normally:

C:\>xpbuild --version

On macOS, by default, global Node packages are installed in /usr/local, and managing them requires administrative rights, but if you followed the instructions in the Prerequisites page, you should already have configured npm to use a location in the home folder.

With the environment properly set, the command to install xpbuild is:

$ npm install --global xpbuild@latest

To test if xpbuild starts:

$ which xpbuild
$ xpbuild --version

On GNU/Linux, by default, global Node packages are installed in /usr/local, and managing them requires administrative rights, but if you followed the instructions in the Prerequisites page, you should already have configured npm to use a location in the home folder.

With the environment properly set, the command to install xpbuild is:

$ npm install --global xpbuild@latest

To test if xpbuild starts:

$ which xpbuild
$ xpbuild --version


To remove xpbuild, the command is:

$ npm uninstall --global xpbuild


The official page explaining how to install npm in a custom folder is How to Prevent Permissions Errors.


If, for any reason, you decide not to install xpbuild, you can still benefit from it by using npx, as a trampoline to start xpbuild:

$ npx xpbuild --version

However, for regular usage, this method is not efficient, since npx will need to prepare the Node module for each run, and this takes some time.

User info

To get an initial glimpse on the program, ask for help:

$ xpbuild --help