
xpm list [<options> ...]


  • ls
  • ll


This command lists the packages installed in the project located in the current folder or installed in the global xPacks store.




Help (--help)

$ xpm list --help

xPack manager - list packages
Usage: xpm list [options...] [--global] [--system] [--config <config_name>]

List options:
  -g|--global                List the global package(s) (optional)
  -sy|--system               List the system package(s) (not impl) (optional)
  -c|--config <config_name>  Show the configuration specific dependencies (optional)

Common options:
  --loglevel <level>         Set log level (silent|warn|info|verbose|debug|trace)
  -s|--silent                Disable all messages (--loglevel silent)
  -q|--quiet                 Mostly quiet, warnings and errors (--loglevel warn)
  --informative              Informative (--loglevel info)
  -v|--verbose               Verbose (--loglevel verbose)
  -d|--debug                 Debug messages (--loglevel debug)
  -dd|--trace                Trace messages (--loglevel trace, -d -d)
  --no-update-notifier       Skip check for a more recent version
  -C <folder>                Set current folder

xpm -h|--help                Quick help
xpm --version                Show version
xpm -i|--interactive         Enter interactive mode

npm xpm@0.9.0 '/Users/ilg/.nvm/versions/node/v14.16.0/lib/node_modules/xpm'
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List global packages (-g|--global)

List the packages installed in the central xPacks store.

List system packages (-sy|--system)

List the packages installed in the system store.

Configuration (-c|--config)

List the dependencies installed in an existing configuration build folder instead of the dependencies installed in top project folder.