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The compilerIncludeFolders definition


Work in progress.


Specify the folders containing public header files that should be included in the build process when this object is active and enabled.


"cdlOptions": {
"<name>": {
"compilerIncludeFolders": [ "<relative folder path>",... ],

The value of the compilerIncludeFolders property is an array of strings that specify folder paths relative to the current xCDL file. These folders contain header files to be utilized during the build process.

Default value

If missing, the current object will not contribute any header folders to the build.


Most packages export one or more folders with header files defining their public interface. For example, the C library exports header files such as stdio.h and ctype.h. If the package follows the folders layout conventions then the exported header files will normally be found in the package's include sub-folder.

It the build artefact is a library, the package's exported header files will be copied to the install tree. This is correct for packages like the C library because that is the correct location for files such as stdio.h. However, to reduce the probability of name clashes, it is desirable for packages to use different sub-folders. For example infrastructure header files should use include/cyg/infra rather than simply include.

See also

eCos reference