xPack xpm v0.9.1 released
Version 0.9.1 is a new release of xpm; it adds support for configurations and configuration specific dependencies.
xpm is a Node.js CLI application to manage xpm packages.
xpm is a Node.js module that can be installed with npm
For the prerequisites, since it is recommended to use a version manager or to customize the npm install location, please read the Install page for more details.
To install the latest stable version available, use:
npm uninstall --global xpm
npm install --global xpm@latest
To install this specific version, use:
xpm install --global xpm@0.9.1
In the current configuration, npm complains about several deprecated packages; until these third party packages will be updated, in v0.10.2 an workaround was added, by bundling the dependencies.
The 0.9.1 release is generally compatible with previous releases.
The main change over the previous release is support for multiple configurations, usually build configurations, which are intended to support development for applications using multiple build folders (like debug/release, but also multi-platform builds).
Bug fixes
- [#98] when installing tools in the build configuration, the execution
path was hardcoded to the
folder; fixed, now the execution path reflects the user setting;
- [#97] the preferred property used to define configurations is now
, instead ofconfigurations
Other changes
- none
Known problems
- the warnings triggered by third party dependencies during install; fixed in v0.10.2
- [#57] when multiple versions of the same package are referenced via different dependencies paths, the program fails; version mitigation will be implemented in a future release.
The program interprets --help
and displays a top help page:
$ xpm --help
The xPack package manager command line tool
Usage: xpm <command> [<subcommand>...] [<options> ...] [<args>...]
where <command> is one of:
init, install, link, list, run, uninstall
Common options:
--loglevel <level> Set log level (silent|warn|info|verbose|debug|trace)
-s|--silent Disable all messages (--loglevel silent)
-q|--quiet Mostly quiet, warnings and errors (--loglevel warn)
--informative Informative (--loglevel info)
-v|--verbose Verbose (--loglevel verbose)
-d|--debug Debug messages (--loglevel debug)
-dd|--trace Trace messages (--loglevel trace, -d -d)
--no-update-notifier Skip check for a more recent version
-C <folder> Set current folder
xpm -h|--help Quick help
xpm <command> -h|--help Quick help on command
xpm --version Show version
xpm -i|--interactive Enter interactive mode
npm xpm@0.9.1 '/Users/ilg/.nvm/versions/node/v14.16.0/lib/node_modules/xpm'
Home page: <https://xpack.github.io/xpm/>
Bug reports: <https://github.com/xpack/xpm-js/issues/>
Similar pages are available for each command.
For more details, the project documentation is available online from the web site.
Supported platforms
npm is a portable application that can run on Windows, macOS and GNU/Linux (Intel and Arm).
CI tests
Continuous integration tests are done via GitHub Actions.
Download analytics
- npmjs.com xpm
Credit to Shields IO for the badges.
The xpm tool is currently work in progress and should be used with caution.