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How to make new xpm releases

GitHub package.json version NPM Version license CI on Push GitHub issues GitHub pulls JavaScript Style Guide

This page is designed for maintainers of the xPack Project Manager project and provides documentation on how to create new releases.


xpm is a portable Node.js module; development can be performed on macOS, GNU/Linux and even Windows (although some npm scripts must be executed in a Git Bash terminal).

The prerequisites are:

  • git
  • node >= 18.0.0
  • npm

To ensure compatibility with older node, preferably revert to an older one:

nvm use --lts 18

Get project sources

The project is hosted on GitHub:

The project uses multiple branches:

  • master, with the latest stable version (default)
  • development, with the current development version
  • website, with the current content of the website; pushes to this branch automatically trigger publishes the main website
  • webpreview, with the current content of the preview website; pushes to this branch automatically trigger publishes the preview website

To clone the stable branch (master), run the following commands in a terminal (on Windows use the Git Bash console):

mkdir ~/Work/npm-packages && cd ~/Work/npm-packages
git clone xpm-js.git

For development purposes, clone the development branch:

mkdir ~/Work/npm-packages && cd ~/Work/npm-packages
git clone \
--branch development \ xpm-js.git

Or, if the repo was already cloned:

git -C ~/Work/npm-packages/xpm-js.git pull

Release schedule

There are no fixed releases.

Prepare the new releases

Check Git

In the xpack/xpm-js Git repo:

  • switch to the development branch
  • pull new changes
  • if necessary, merge the master branch
  • if necessary, merge the website branch

This is really important, otherwise the next steps will build again the previous release!

The master branch should be unchanged since the previous release and will be updated when the new release is out.

Update npm packages


This package is also used by the VS Code extension and, until VS Code will accept ESM dependencies, it must be kept as a legacy CommonJS dependency.

  • npm outdated
  • npm update or edit and npm install
  • repeat and possibly manually edit package.json until everything is up to date
  • commit the changes
Dependencies packages

Increase the version and update it in the top package.json

As required by npm modules, this one also uses SemVer.

  • determine the next version (like 0.20.8)
  • update the version in the top package.json file
  • use the new version, suffixed by -pre, like 0.20.8-pre.

Update the websiteConfig in top package.json (if necessary)

Check and possibly update the websiteConfig.

Update the website commons

Run the website-generate-commons script in the top package.json; this will also update the top file.

Start the local web server

Execute the npm script clean then start in the website sub-project, or run the following in a terminal:

npm run clean
npm run start

Navigate to the Maintainer Info page, the Fix possible open issues section.

Fix possible open issues

Check GitHub Issues and Pull Requests:

and fix them; assign them to a milestone (like 0.20.8).


  • open the file

  • check if all previous fixed issues are in

  • check the latest commits xpm run git-log; if necessary, copy/paste lines, group by dates and edit them using the below regular expressions

  • to turn the dates into headings, change from:

([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]) [*]


## $1

  • to remove the rest of the dates, change from:
^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9] [*]


  • add a new entry like * v0.20.8 prepared
  • commit with a message like prepare v0.20.8

Prepare the release

  • terminate all running tasks (TerminalTerminate Task...)
  • switch to the development branch
  • commit everything
  • npm run fix
  • if there are changes, commit all changes into the development branch
  • npm run test
  • npm run pack; check the list of packaged files, possibly update .npmignore
  • push all changes to GitHub

Set the new version

npm version 0.20.8

CI tests

Prepare a new blog post

  • check and possibly update the website/blog/_templates/blog-post-release-liquid.mdx
  • run the generate-website-blog-post npm script; this will add a file in the website/blog folder:
npm run generate-website-blog-post
  • edit the front matter properties
  • select the correct summary
  • commit with website: blog post release 0.20.8 published
  • push the development branch

Publish the release to

npm publish --tag next
  • when publishing for the first time, use:
npm publish --access public

After a few moments the version will be visible at, the Versions tab.

Manual install test

Test if the package can be installed globally:

npm install --location=global xpm@next

Validate the website content in a local build via the npm build script:

npm run build

Prepare the website

The documentation site is built with Docusaurus and published in the project GitHub Pages.

  • switch to the development branch
  • run the website-generate-commons script in the top package.json
  • commit all changes
  • run the build script in website/package.json
  • fix any broken links, if any

Publish the website

The website deployment is performed automatically when pushing to the website branch, by a dedicated workflow in GitHub Actions.

  • switch to the website branch
  • merge the development branch into the website branch
  • push the website branch to GitHub

At this moment an automated GitHub Action will generate and publish the website.

  • the new release blog post is in
  • remember the post URL, since it must be used to update the release page and the X/Twitter announcement

The website branch may be subsequently updated, as long as the version in package.json is not changed.

Check the result at

Final updates

Update the master branch

In this Git repo:

  • select the master branch
  • merge the development branch into the master branch
  • push the master branch to GitHub

Close milestone


  • close the current milestone.

Check npm package tags

npm dist-tag ls xpm

Tag the npm package as latest

When the release is considered stable, promote it as latest:

npm dist-tag add xpm@0.20.8 latest
npm dist-tag ls xpm

Share on X/Twitter

  • in a separate browser windows, open X/Twitter
  • using the @xpack_project account
  • paste the release name like xPack xpm v0.20.8 released
  • paste the link to the Web page release
  • click the Tweet button


  • xpm package
    • latest release, per month NPM Version NPM Downloads
    • all releases NPM Downloads

Credit to Shields IO for the badges.